Ian |
R.J. Williams |
"The Child"
Ian, Young |
Zachary Benjamin |
"The Child"
Inad |
Eve Brenner |
Inmate |
Susanna Thompson |
"Frame of Mind"
Innis, Valeda |
Anna Katarina |
Isabella |
Shay Aster |
"Imaginary Friend"
Ishikawa, Keiko |
(see Keiko)
Ja'Dar, Dr. |
Richard McGonagle |
"New Ground"
Jameson, Admiral Mark |
Clayton Rohner |
"Too Short A Season"
Jameson, Anne |
Marsha Hunt |
"Too Short A Season"
Janeway, Ensign |
Lucy Boryer |
"Man Of The People"
Jared |
Marcello Tubert |
"Devil's Due"
Jaron (Romulan #1) |
Daniel Roebuck |
"Unification, Part I"
"Unification, Part II"
Jarth |
Rick Scarry |
"Man Of The People"
Jason |
Ken Olandt |
J'Ddan |
Henry Woronicz |
"The Drumhead"
Jean-Luc/Ethan |
Chris Demetral |
"Future Imperfect"
Jellico, Captain Edward |
Ronny Cox |
"Chain Of Command, Part I"
"Chain Of Command, Part II"
Jessel |
Pamela Kosh |
"All Good Things..."
Jev |
Ben Lemon |
Jo'Bril |
James Horan |
Joe Falling Rock |
Sheldon Peters Wolfchild |
"Time's Arrow"
Jol, Etana |
Katherine Moffat |
"The Game"
Jono |
Chad Allen |
"Suddenly Human"
Joret |
Don Reilly |
"Lower Decks"
Joval |
Deirdre Imershein |
"Captain's Holiday"
Kahless |
Kevin Conway |
"Rightful Heir"
Kahlest |
Thelma Lee |
"Sins of The Father"
Kalita |
Shannon Cochran |
"Preemptive Strike"
Kamala |
Famke Janssen |
"The Perfect Mate"
Kaminer |
Angelina Fiordellisi |
Kane, Ensign |
Erick Weiss |
Kareel |
Nicole Orth-Pallavicini |
"The Host"
Kargan, Captain |
Christopher Collins |
"A Matter Of Honor"
Karnas |
Michael Pataki |
"Too Short A Season"
Kateras |
Edward Penn |
Katie |
Jandi Swanson |
"When The Bough Breaks"
Kayron |
Tracey Walter |
"The Last Outpost"
Kazago |
Doug Warhit |
"The Battle"
Keel, Captain Walker |
Jonathan Farwell |
Keeve Falor |
Scott Marlowe |
"Ensign Ro"
K'Ehleyr |
Suzie Plakson |
"The Emissary"
Keiko |
Rosalind Chao |
"Data's Day"
"The Wounded"
"Night Terrors"
"In Theory"
"Power Play"
Keiko, Young |
Caroline Junko King |
Kell, Ambassador |
Larry Dobkin |
"The Minds Eye"
Kelsey |
Marie Marshall |
"Starship Mine"
Kennelly, Admiral |
Cliff Potts |
"Ensign Ro"
Kentor |
Richard Allen |
"The Ensigns of Command"
Kes Aide |
J.C. Stevens |
Kestra |
Andreana Weiner |
"Dark Page"
Kid #1 |
Morgan Nagler |
Kim, Louisa |
Elizabeth Lindsey |
"Home Soil"
Kingsley, Dr. Sara |
Patricia Smith |
"Unnatural Selection"
Kiros |
Patricia Tallman |
"Starship Mine"
Kissing Crewman |
Kenny Koch |
"The Naked Now"
Kivas Fajo |
Saul Rubinek |
"The Most Toys"
Klag |
Brian Thompson |
"A Matter Of Honor"
Klingon 1st Officer |
Tom Ormeny |
Klingon Guard #1 (Duras aide) |
Basil Wallace |
Klingon Guard #2 (Vorn) |
Mirron Edward Willis |
Klingon Monster |
Tom Magee |
"Devil's Due"
Kluge |
Jordan Lund |
"Redemption, Part II"
K'mpec |
Charles Cooper |
"Sins of The Father"
K'mtar |
James Sloyan |
K'nera |
David Froman |
"Heart of Glory"
Kolrami, Sirna |
Roy Brocksmith |
"Peak Performance"
Konmel |
Charles H. Hyman |
"Heart of Glory"
Kopf, Ensign |
James Lashly |
Koral |
James Worthy |
"Gambit, Part II"
Korris |
Vaughn Armstrong |
"Heart of Glory"
Koroth |
Alan Oppenheimer |
"Rightful Heir"
Kosinski, Lt. j.g. |
Stanley Kamel |
"Where No One Has Gone Before"
Krag |
Craig Richard Nelson |
"A Matter of Perspective"
Kristin |
Liz Vassey |
Krite |
Callan White |
"The Outcast"
Krola |
Michael Ensign |
"First Contact"
K'Tal |
Ben Slack |
K'Temoc |
Lance Le Gault |
"The Emissary"
Kunivas |
Robert Bauer |
"Heart of Glory"
Kurak |
Tricia O'Neil |
Kurland, Jake |
Stephen Gregory |
"Coming of Age"
Kurn, Commander |
Tony Todd |
"Sins of The Father"
"Redemption, Part II"
Kushell |
Albert Stratton |
"The Outrageous Okona"
K'Vada, Captain |
Stephen D. Root |
"Unification, Part I"
"Unification, Part II"
Kwan, Lt. |
Tim Lounibos |
"Eye of the Beholder"
Kyle |
Jennifer Edwards |
"New Ground"
La Forge, Captain Silva |
Madge Sinclair |
La Forge, Doctor |
Ben Vereen |
La Forge, Lt. Cmdr. Geordi |
LeVar Burton |
(see actor listing)
La Forge, Lt. Geordi |
LeVar Burton |
(see actor listing)
La Forge, Lt. j.g. Geordi |
LeVar Burton |
(see actor listing)
Lakanta |
Tom Jackson |
"Journey's End"
Lal |
Hallie Todd |
"The Offspring"
Lanel |
Bebe Neuwirth |
"First Contact"
Langor |
Kimberly Farr |
Laren, "Ensign Ro" |
Michelle Forbes |
Ensign Ro
"Power Play"
"Cause And Effect"
"The Next Phase"
"Preemptive Strike"
Larg, Captain |
Michael G. Hagerty |
"Redemption, Part II"
Larson, Lt. Linda |
Saxon Trainor |
"The Nth Degree"
Lathal |
Robert Harper |
"The Host"
Lavelle |
Dan Gauthier |
"Lower Decks"
Leda |
Michele Marsh |
"When The Bough Breaks"
Leech, Felix |
Harvey Jason |
"The Big Goodbye"
Lefler, "Ensign Ro"bin |
Ashley Judd |
"The Game"
Leijten, Lieutenant Commander Susanna |
Maryann Plunkett |
"Identity Crisis"
Lemec, Gul |
John Durbin |
"Chain Of Command, Part I"
"Chain Of Command, Part II"
Lenor, Par |
Max Grodenchik |
"The Perfect Mate"
Lestrade |
Alan Shearman |
"Elementary, Dear Data"
Letek |
Armin Shimerman |
"The Last Outpost"
Leyor |
Kevin Peter Hall |
"The Price"
Liator |
Jay Louden |
"Lonely Among Us"
Lieutenant |
John Garrett |
"Loud As A Whisper"
Lieutenant Commander Susanna Leijten |
Maryann Plunkett |
"Identity Crisis"
Lieutenant HickmanAmick Byram |
"Identity Crisis"
Lieutenant Shipley |
Scott Trost |
Liko |
Ray Wise |
"Who Watches The Watchers"
Lin, Ensign Kenny |
Brian Tochi |
"Night Terrors"
Liva |
Stephanie Erb |
"Man Of The People"
L'Kor |
Richard Herd |
"Birthright, Part I"
"Birthright, Part II"
Locarno, Cadet First Class Nicholas |
McNeill, Robert Duncan |
"The First Duty"
Logan, Chief Engineer |
Vyto Ruginis |
"The Arsenal of Freedom"
London, Jack (Bellboy) |
Michael Aron |
"Time's Arrow, Part II"
Loquel |
Paul Eiding |
Lore |
Brent Spiner |
Lorin |
Lenore Kasdorf |
"Force Of Nature"
Louis |
Dennis Creaghan |
Louvois, Captain Phillipa |
Amanda McBroom |
"The Measure Of A Man"
Lt. Ballard |
Judyann Elder |
"The Offspring"
Lt. Richard Castillo |
Christopher McDonald |
"Yesterday's Enterprise"
Lt. Gaines |
Tim Kelleher |
"All Good Things..."
Lt. Kwan |
Tim Lounibos |
"Eye of the Beholder"
Lt. Linda Larson |
Saxon Trainor |
"The Nth Degree"
Lt. Nara |
Nancy Harewood |
"Eye of the Beholder"
Lt. Rhodes |
Amy Pietz |
Lt. "Aquiel" Uhnari |
Renee Jones |
Lt. Cmdr. Christopher Hobson |
Timothy Carhart |
"Redemption, Part II"
Lt. Cmdr. Nella Darren |
Wendy Hughes |
Lt. Commander Albert |
Ed Lauter |
"The First Duty"
Lt. Commander Shelby |
Elizabeth Dennehy |
"The Best of Both Worlds"
Lt. Sanders |
Derek Webster |
"Gambit, Part I"
Lurin |
Mike Gomez |
Lursa |
Barbara March |
"Redemption, Part II"
Lutan |
Jessie Lawrence Ferguson |
"Code of Honor"
Lynch, Lt. Cmdr. Leland T. |
Walker Boone |
"Skin Of Evil"
Technical design, graphic design,
interactive features, HTML &
CGI programming by Andrew Tong. ||
All materials Copyright © 1987-1995 by their respective authors. ||
Document created: June 17, 1995 ||
Last Modified: November 09, 2010