Tactical Crewman |
Dietrich Bader |
"The Emissary"
Tactician |
David L. Lander
Dana Sparks |
"Peak Performance"
Tactics Officer |
Peter Parros |
"A Matter Of Honor"
Taggert, Capt. |
J. Patrick McNamara |
"Unnatural Selection"
Taibak |
John Fleck |
"The Minds Eye"
Tainer, Juliana |
Fionnula Flanagan |
Taitt |
Alex Datcher |
"Descent, Part II"
Tallera |
Robin Curtis |
"Gambit, Part I"
"Gambit, Part II"
Talur |
Ronnie Claire Edwards |
"Thine Own Self"
Tamarian 1st Officer |
Richard Allen |
Taris |
Carolyn Seymour |
Tarmin |
David Sage |
Tarr, DaiMon |
Mike Gomez |
"The Last Outpost"
Tarrana |
Susan Christy |
Tarses, Simon |
Spencer Garrett |
"The Drumhead"
Taurik |
Alexander Enberg |
"Lower Decks"
Tava, Dr. |
Sachi Parker |
"First Contact"
Tayar |
Stephen James Carver |
Tayna |
Juli Donald |
"A Matter of Perspective"
Teacher |
Steven Einspahr
Raymond D. Turner |
"The Bonding"
"Hero Worship"
"The Bonding"
Tebok, Commander |
Marc Alaimo |
"The Neutral Zone"
Technician #1 |
Brendan McKane |
"Coming of Age"
Technician #2 |
Wyatt Knight |
"Coming of Age"
Technician, Medical |
John Nelson |
Teenage Girl |
Mädchen Amick |
"The Dauphin"
Telle, Glin |
Marco Rodriguez |
"The Wounded"
Temarek |
Elkanah J. Burns |
"The Vengeance Factor"
Temple, Nurse |
Patti Tippo |
Ten Forward Crew |
Hayne Bayle
James G. Becker
Maria Leone
Diane Moser |
"The Offspring"
"The Offspring"
"The Offspring"
"The Offspring"
Texas |
Nobel Willingham |
"The Royale"
Thei, Sub-Commander |
Anthony James |
"The Neutral Zone"
Tholl, Kova |
Stephen Markle |
Thor, Cameron |
Narik |
"Gambit, Part I"
"Gambit, Part II"
Thug |
Erik Cord |
"The Big Goodbye"
Timicin, Dr. |
David Ogden Stiers |
"Half a Life"
Timothy |
Joshua Harris |
"Hero Worship"
T'Jon |
Merritt Butrick |
Toff, Palor |
Nehemiah Persoff |
"The Most Toys"
Tog, DaiMon |
Frank Corsentino |
"Ménage ā Troi"
Tol |
Michelan Sisti |
Tomalak, Ambassador |
Andreas Katsulas |
"Future Imperfect"
Tomalak, Commander |
Andreas Katsulas
Andreas Katsulas |
"The Enemy"
"The Defector"
"All Good Things..."
Toq |
Sterling Mace, Jr. |
"Birthright, Part II"
Torak, Governor |
Wayne Grace |
Toral |
J.D. Cullum |
"Redemption, Part II"
Toreth, Commander |
Carolyn Seymour |
"Face Of The Enemy"
Torin |
Norman Snow |
"Rightful Heir"
Torres |
Jimmy Ortega |
"Encounter at Farpoint"
Toya |
Connie Danese |
"When The Bough Breaks"
T'Pan |
Joan Stuart Morris |
T'Pel, Ambassador (Sub-Commander Selok) |
Sierra Pecheur |
"Data's Day"
Transporter Chief |
J. Downing
Colm Meaney
Michael Rider
Harley Venton |
"The Quality of Life"
(see actor listing)
"The Naked Now"
"Code of Honor"
"Hero Worship"
Transporter Chief, [N.D.] |
George O'Hanlon, Jr. |
"Future Imperfect"
Transporter Chief Brossmer |
Shelby Leverington |
"The Next Phase"
Transporter Chief Herbert |
Lance Spellerberg |
"We'll Always Have Paris"
Transporter Chief Hubbell |
April Grace |
"Future Imperfect"
Transporter Officer |
April Grace |
"The Perfect Mate"
Transporter Pilot |
Wren T. Brown |
Transporter Tech. |
Teddy Davis |
"Sins of The Father"
Transporter Technician |
April Grace
Terri Hatcher
Dennis Madalone
Ryan Reid |
"Data's Day"
"Galaxy's Child"
"The Outrageous Okona"
"Identity Crisis"
"Power Play"
Traveller |
Eric Menyuk |
"Where No One Has Gone Before"
"Remember Me"
"Journey's End"
Trent |
Leonard John Crofoot |
"Angel One"
Trion, Governor Leka |
Barbara Tarbuck |
"The Host"
Troi, Counselor Deanna |
Marina Sirtis |
(see actor listing)
Troi, Lwaxana |
Majel Barrett |
(see actor listing)
Troi, Mr. |
Amick Byram |
"Dark Page"
Trose, Kalin |
William Newman |
"The Host"
T'Shanik |
Tasia Valenza |
"Coming of Age"
T'Su, Lt. Lian |
Julia Nickson |
"The Arsenal of Freedom"
Tsu, Tan |
Vladimir Velasco |
Tyler, Ensign |
Gina Ravarra |
Uhnari, Lt. Aquiel |
Renee Jones |
Uxbridge, Kevin |
John Anderson |
"The Survivors"
Uxbridge, Rishon |
Anne Haney |
"The Survivors"
Vagh, Governor |
Edward Wiley |
"The Minds Eye"
Vanessa |
Jill Jacobson |
"The Royale"
Varel |
Susanna Thompson |
"The Next Phase"
Varley, Donald |
Thalmus Rasulala |
Varria |
Jane Daly |
"The Most Toys"
Vash |
Jennifer Hetrick |
"Captain's Holiday"
Vekma |
Laura Drake |
"A Matter Of Honor"
Vekor |
Caitlin Brown |
"Gambit, Part I"
"Gambit, Part II"
Vendor |
Dick Miller |
"The Big Goodbye"
Voice of Armus |
Ron Gans |
"Skin Of Evil"
Volnath |
Marc Lawrence |
"The Vengeance Factor"
Vorin |
Brian Markinson |
Voval |
Eric Pierpoint |
V'Sal |
Shelly Desai |
"Data's Day"
Wagnor |
Andrew Bicknell |
"The Hunted"
Waiter |
Marc Buckland
Ernie Mirich
Arlee Reed |
"The High Ground"
"Starship Mine"
Wakasa |
George Aguilar |
"Journey's End"
Warren, Mary |
Lois Hall |
"Who Watches The Watchers"
Warrior #1 |
Richard Lavin |
"Loud As A Whisper"
Warrior #2 |
Chip Heller |
"Loud As A Whisper"
Warrior/Andonis |
Leo Damian |
"Loud As A Whisper"
Whalen, Lit-Historian |
David Selburg |
"The Big Goodbye"
Williams, Michael |
Patrick Stewart |
"The Defector"
Woman |
Diane M. Hurley
Nora Leonhardt
Marnie Mosiman |
"The Game"
"Eye of the Beholder"
"Loud As A Whisper"
Worf, Lieutenant |
Michael Dorn |
(see actor listing)
Worf, Lt. j.g. |
Michael Dorn |
(see actor listing)
Workman |
David L. Crowley |
Wounded Crewmember |
Allan Dean Moore |
"Frame of Mind"
Wrenn |
Raye Birk |
Yanar |
Rosalind Ingledew |
"The Outrageous Okona"
Yar, Ishara |
Beth Toussaint |
Yar, Lt. [Natasha] Tasha |
Denise Crosby |
(see actor listing)
Yareena |
Karole Selmon |
"Code of Honor"
Yog |
Joel Swetow |
Young Batai |
Daniel Stewart |
"The Inner Light"
Young Female Ensign |
Evelyn Guerrero |
"Encounter at Farpoint"
Young Guinan |
Isis J. Jones |
Young Keiko |
Caroline Junko King |
Young Man |
David Oliver |
"Cost Of Living"
Young Picard |
David Tristan Birkin
Marcus Nash |
Young Reporter |
Alexander Enberg |
"Time's Arrow, Part II"
Technical design, graphic design,
interactive features, HTML &
CGI programming by Andrew Tong. ||
All materials Copyright © 1987-1995 by their respective authors. ||
Document created: June 17, 1995 ||
Last Modified: November 09, 2010