Cadet |
Richard Rothenberg |
"The First Duty"
Calloway |
Johanna McCloy |
"Eye of the Beholder"
Campio |
Tony Jay |
"Cost Of Living"
Capt Robert DeSoto |
Michael Cavanaugh |
"Tin Man"
Captain Morgan Bateson |
Kelsey Grammer |
"Cause And Effect"
Captain Dathon |
Paul Winfield |
Captain Endar |
Sherman Howard |
"Suddenly Human"
Captain Rachel Garrett |
Tricia O'Neil |
"Yesterday's Enterprise"
Captain Edward Jellico |
Ronny Cox |
"Chain Of Command, Part I"
"Chain Of Command, Part II"
Captain K'Vada |
Stephen D. Root |
"Unification, Part I"
"Unification, Part II"
Captain Silva La Forge |
Madge Sinclair |
Captain Larg |
Michael G. Hagerty |
"Redemption, Part II"
Captain Phillipa Louvois |
Amanda McBroom |
"The Measure Of A Man"
Captain Benjamin Maxwell |
Bob Gunton |
"The Wounded"
Captain Satelk |
Richard Fancy |
"The First Duty"
Captain Taggert |
J. Patrick McNamara |
"Unnatural Selection"
Captain Chantal R. Zaheva |
Deborah Taylor |
"Night Terrors"
Carmichael, Mrs. |
Pamela Kosh |
"Time's Arrow, Part II"
Castillo, Lt. Richard |
Christopher McDonald |
"Yesterday's Enterprise"
Centurian Bochra |
John Snyder |
"The Enemy"
Chang, Tac Officer |
Robert Ito |
"Coming of Age"
Chekote, Admiral |
Bruce Gray |
"Gambit, Part I"
Chilton, Ensign |
Alison Brooks |
"All Good Things..."
Chorgan |
Stephen Lee |
"The Vengeance Factor"
Clancy, Assistant Engineer |
Anne Elizabeth Ramsay |
"Elementary, Dear Data"
Clancy, Ensign |
Anne Elizabeth Ramsey |
"The Emissary"
Clare |
Gracie Harrison |
"The Neutral Zone"
Clarke, Dr. |
Paul Lambert |
"Devil's Due"
Clemens, L.Q. "Sonny" |
Leon Rippy |
"The Neutral Zone"
Clemens, Samuel |
Jerry Hardin |
"Time's Arrow"
Collins |
Harley Venton |
"Ensign Ro"
Comic, the |
Joe Piscopo |
"The Outrageous Okona"
Commander Bruce Maddox |
Brian Brophy |
"The Measure Of A Man"
Commander Mendak |
Alan Scarfe |
"Data's Day"
Commander Dalen Quaice, M.D. |
Bill Erwin |
"Remember Me"
Commander Kurn |
Tony Todd |
"Sins of The Father"
"Redemption, Part II"
Commander Keiran MacDuff |
Erich Anderson |
Commander Sela |
Denise Crosby |
"The Minds Eye"
"Redemption, Part II"
"Unification, Part II"
Commander Sunad |
Charles Dennis |
Commander Tomalak |
Andreas Katsulas |
"The Enemy"
"The Defector"
Commander Toreth |
Carolyn Seymour |
"Face Of The Enemy"
Computer Voice |
Majel Barrett |
(see actor listing)
Conductor |
David Huddleston |
Conn |
Josh Clark
David Renan |
"Lonely Among Us"
"The Naked Now"
Conor, Aaron |
John Synder |
"The Masterpiece Society"
Corey |
Ned Vaughn |
Cozzens, Mimi |
Soup Woman |
"Unification, Part I"
Craig, Ensign |
Clifton Jones |
"Redemption, Part II"
Crewman |
Dore Keller
Angelo McCabe
Erick Weiss |
"The Child"
Crewman #1 |
Randal Patrick |
Crewman Davis |
Craig Benton |
Crewmember |
Charles Dayton
Thomas Belgrey |
"Where No One Has Gone Before"
"Realm Of Fear"
Crewmember, Wounded |
Allan Dean Moore |
"Frame of Mind"
Crosis |
Brian J. Cousins
Brian Cousins |
"Descent, Part II"
Crusher, Doctor |
Gates McFadden |
(see actor listing)
Crusher, Lt. Cmdr. Jack |
Doug Wert |
Crusher, Jack R. |
Doug Wert |
"Journey's End"
Crusher, Wesley, (adult) |
William A. Wallace |
"Hide And Q"
Crusher, Wesley ["Wes"] |
Wil Wheaton |
(see actor listing)
Cytherian |
Kay E. Kuter |
"The Nth Degree"
DaiMon Goss |
Scott Thomson |
"The Price"
Technical design, graphic design,
interactive features, HTML &
CGI programming by Andrew Tong. ||
All materials Copyright © 1987-1995 by their respective authors. ||
Document created: June 17, 1995 ||
Last Modified: November 09, 2010