1st Learner |
Christopher Halsted |
"Cost Of Living"
Aaron, Admiral |
Ray Reinhardt |
Accolan |
Dan Mason |
"When The Bough Breaks"
Administrator |
Scott Jaeck
Andrew Prine |
"The Inner Light"
"Frame of Mind"
Admiral |
Renata Scott
George D. Wallace |
"Realm Of Fear"
"Man Of The People"
Admiral Blackwell |
Nancy Vawter |
"The Pegasus"
Admiral Brackett |
Karen Hensel |
"Unification, Part I"
Admiral Brand, Superintendant |
Jacqueline Brooks |
"The First Duty"
Admiral Chekote |
Bruce Gray |
"Gambit, Part I"
Admiral Gromek |
Georgann Johnson |
"The Emissary"
Admiral Haden |
John Hancock |
"The Defector"
"The Wounded"
Admiral Haftel |
Nicolas Coster |
"The Offspring"
Admiral J.P. Hanson |
George Murdock |
"The Best of Both Worlds"
"The Best of Both Worlds Part II"
Admiral Thomas Henry |
Earl Billings |
"The Drumhead"
Admiral Holt |
Warren Munson |
Admiral Kennelly |
Cliff Potts |
"Ensign Ro"
Admiral Nakamura |
Clyde Kusatsu |
"The Measure Of A Man"
"All Good Things..."
Admiral Elena Nechayev, Vice |
Natalija Nogulich |
"Chain Of Command, Part I"
"Journey's End"
Admiral Pressman |
Terry O'Quinn |
"The Pegasus"
Admiral Connaught Rossa |
Barbara Townsend |
"Suddenly Human"
Admiral Norah Satie |
Jean Simmons |
"The Drumhead"
Admiral Shanthi |
Fran Bennett |
"Redemption, Part II"
Ajur |
Karen Landry |
"Captain's Holiday"
Alans |
Whitney Rydbeck |
"Pen Pals"
Albert, Lt. Commander |
Ed Lauter |
"The First Duty"
Alexander |
Brian Bonsall
Jon Steuer |
"New Ground"
"Cost Of Living"
"Imaginary Friend"
"A Fistful of Datas"
Alexandra |
Jessica and Vanessa Bova |
"When The Bough Breaks"
Alien #1 |
Jeff Rector |
Alien #2 |
Jerry Rector |
Alien Captain |
Dennis Cockrum |
"Face Of The Enemy"
Alien Nurse |
Mary Stein |
"Time's Arrow, Part II"
Alkar, Ambassador Ramid Ves |
Chip Lucia |
"Man Of The People"
Allenby, Ensign Tess |
Mary Kohnert |
"Final Mission"
"The Loss"
Alrik |
Mickey Cottrell |
"The Perfect Mate"
Amarie |
Harriet Leider |
"Unification, Part II"
Ambassador Kell |
Larry Dobkin |
"The Minds Eye"
Ambassador Ramid Ves Alkar |
Chip Lucia |
"Man Of The People"
Ambassador Tomalak |
Andreas Katsulas |
"Future Imperfect"
Ambassador T'Pel (Sub-Commander Selok) |
Sierra Pecheur |
"Data's Day"
Anaya, Ensign April |
Page Leong |
"The Nth Degree"
Anna |
Barbara Williams |
Annette |
Amy O'Neill |
Annie |
Joy Garrett |
"A Fistful of Datas"
Antedian Dignitary |
Mick Fleetwood |
Anthwara |
Ned Romero |
"Journey's End"
Anya |
Paddi Edwards |
"The Dauphin"
Apgar, Dr. Nel |
Mark Margolis |
"A Matter of Perspective"
Apgar, Manua |
Gina Hecht |
"A Matter of Perspective"
Appollinaire, Dr. |
James Gleason |
"Time's Arrow, Part II"
Apprentice |
Andy Kossin |
"Thine Own Self"
Ardra |
Marta Dubois |
"Devil's Due"
Argyle, Engineer |
Biff Yeager |
"Where No One Has Gone Before"
Ariana |
Danitza Kingsley |
Ariel |
Patricia McPherson |
"Angel One"
Armus |
Mart McChesney |
"Skin Of Evil"
Aron |
Peter Neptune |
"The Dauphin"
Arridor, Dr. |
Dan Shor |
"The Price"
Assassin |
B.J. Davis
Chris Doyle |
"Sins of The Father"
"Sins of The Father"
Assistant (aka Traveler) |
Eric Menyuk |
"Where No One Has Gone Before"
Assistant Manager |
Sam Anderson |
"The Royale"
Aster, Jeremy |
Gabriel Damon |
"The Bonding"
Aster, Marla |
Susan Powell |
"The Bonding"
Ba'el |
Jennifer Gatti |
"Birthright, Part I"
"Birthright, Part II"
Bailiff, Mandarin |
Cary-Hiroyuki |
"Encounter at Farpoint"
Ballard, Lt. |
Judyann Elder |
"The Offspring"
Ballerina |
Victoria Dillard |
"Where No One Has Gone Before"
Bandi Groppler "Zorn" |
Michael Bell |
"Encounter at Farpoint"
Bandi Shopkeeper |
David Erskine |
"Encounter at Farpoint"
Bandito |
Jorge Cervera, Jr. |
"A Fistful of Datas"
Baran |
Richard Lynch |
"Gambit, Part I"
"Gambit, Part II"
Barash |
Dana Tjowander |
"Future Imperfect"
Barber Mot |
Ken Thorley |
"Ensign Ro"
Barclay |
Dwight Schultz |
"Hollow Pursuits"
"The Nth Degree"
"Realm Of Fear"
"Ship In A Bottle"
Barnaby |
James Horan |
"Descent, Part II"
Barron, Dr. |
James Greene |
"Who Watches The Watchers"
Bartel, Engineer |
Stacie Foster |
Bartender |
Stephen Lee |
"Gambit, Part I"
Bartholomew, Countess Regina |
Stephanie Beacham |
"Ship In A Bottle"
Bashir, Dr. Julian |
Siddig El Fadil |
"Birthright, Part I"
Bass Player |
Abdul Salaam El Razzac |
Batai |
Richard Riehle |
"The Inner Light"
Batai, Young |
Daniel Stewart |
"The Inner Light"
Bateson, Captain Morgan |
Kelsey Grammer |
"Cause And Effect"
Bates, Hannah |
Dey Young |
"The Masterpiece Society"
Bates, John |
S.A. Templeman |
"The Defector"
Battle Bridge Conn |
Colm Meaney |
"Encounter at Farpoint"
Beata |
Karen Montgomery |
"Angel One"
Beggar |
John M. Murdock |
"Time's Arrow"
Bell Boy, The |
Leo Garcia |
"The Royale"
Bellboy (Jack London) |
Michael Aron |
"Time's Arrow"
"Time's Arrow, Part II"
Bell, Lt. Dan |
William Boyett |
"The Big Goodbye"
Ben |
Bruce Beatty |
"Lower Decks"
Benbeck, Marcus |
Ron Canada |
"The Masterpiece Society"
Bender, Slade |
Robert Costanzo |
Benson, Bjorn |
Gerard Prendergast |
"Home Soil"
Benzan |
Kieran Mulroney |
"The Outrageous Okona"
Berel |
George Hearn |
"First Contact"
Berik |
Tracey Walter |
Bernard, Dr. [Lt.] |
Dierk Torsek |
"When The Bough Breaks"
Bernard, Harry |
Philip N. Waller |
"When The Bough Breaks"
B'Etor |
Gwynyth Walsh |
"Redemption, Part II"
Bhavani, Premier |
Elizabeth Hoffman |
"The Price"
B'Ijik |
Erick Avari |
"Unification, Part I"
Biomolecular Specialist |
Tzi Ma |
"Samaritan Snare"
Birta |
Peter Slutsker |
Blackwell, Admiral |
Nancy Vawter |
"The Pegasus"
Bochra, Centurian |
John Snyder |
"The Enemy"
Bok |
Lee Arenberg |
Bok, DaiMon |
Frank Corsentino |
"The Battle"
Boothby |
Ray Walston |
"Cause And Effect"
Boratus |
Michael Champion |
"Captain's Holiday"
Borg, Hugh |
Jonathan Del Arco |
"I Borg"
Bosus |
Richard Gilbert-Hill |
Boy |
Christopher Pettiet
Ricky D'shon Collins |
"The High Ground"
Brackett, Admiral |
Karen Hensel |
"Unification, Part I"
Bractor |
Armin Shimerman |
"Peak Performance"
Bradley, Jessica |
Carolyn Allport |
"The Big Goodbye"
Brahms, Dr. Leah |
Susan Gibney |
"Booby Trap"
"Galaxy's Child"
Brand, Superintendant Admiral |
Jacqueline Brooks |
"The First Duty"
Bre'el Scientist |
Betty Muramoto |
"Deja Q"
Breville |
Paul Tompkins |
"Identity Crisis"
Briam |
Tim O'Connor |
"The Perfect Mate"
Brianon, Kareen |
Barbara Alyn Woods |
"The Schizoid Man"
Brooks, Ensign Janet |
Kim Braden |
"The Loss"
Brossmer, Transporter Chief |
Shelby Leverington |
"The Next Phase"
Brower, Ensign |
David Coburn |
"The Nth Degree"
Brull |
Joey Aresco |
"The Vengeance Factor"
B'Tardat |
Terrence E. McNally |
Burkem, Ensign |
Glenn Morshower |
"Peak Performance"
Byleth |
Michael Harris |
Technical design, graphic design,
interactive features, HTML &
CGI programming by Andrew Tong. ||
All materials Copyright © 1987-1995 by their respective authors. ||
Document created: June 17, 1995 ||
Last Modified: November 09, 2010