Nagel, Ensign |
Leslie Neale |
"Peak Performance"
Nagilum |
Earl Boen |
"Where Silence Has Lease"
Nakamura, Admiral |
Clyde Kusatsu |
"The Measure Of A Man"
"All Good Things..."
Nara, Lt. |
Nancy Harewood |
"Eye of the Beholder"
Narik |
Cameron Thor |
"Gambit, Part I"
"Gambit, Part II"
Nausicaan #1 |
Clint Carmichael |
Nayrok |
James Cromwell |
"The Hunted"
Nellen |
Ann Shea |
"The Drumhead"
Neral, Proconsul |
Norman Large |
"Unification, Part I"
"Unification, Part II"
Nechayev, Vice Admiral Elena |
Natalija Nogulich |
"Chain Of Command, Part I"
"Journey's End"
"Preemptive Strike"
Neil |
Tom Nibley |
"Starship Mine"
Newton, Isaac |
John Neville |
Nibor |
Peter Slutsker |
"Ménage à Troi"
Nilrem |
Steven Anderson |
"First Contact"
Noor |
Megan Cole |
"The Outcast"
Nu'Daq |
Jogn Cothran, Jr. |
"The Chase"
Nuria |
Kathryn Leigh Scott |
"Who Watches The Watchers"
Nurse |
Mary McCusker
Patti Yasutake
Brad Zerbst |
"Future Imperfect"
"Heart of Glory"
"The Arsenal of Freedom"
Nurse, Alien |
Mary Stein |
"Time's Arrow, Part II"
Nurse Alyssa Ogawa |
Patti Yasutake |
"Identity Crisis"
"The Host"
"The Game"
"Cause And Effect"
"Imaginary Friend"
"The Inner Light"
"Realm Of Fear"
"Man Of The People"
Nurse Temple |
Patti Tippo |
N'Vek |
Scott MacDonald |
"Face Of The Enemy"
O'Brien |
Colm Meaney |
(see actor listing)
O'Brien, Chief |
Colm Meaney |
(see actor listing)
O'Brien, Keiko Ishikawa |
(see Keiko)
Odan |
Franc Luz |
"The Host"
O'Dell, Brenda |
Rosalyn Landor |
"Up The Long Ladder"
O'Dell, Danilo |
Barrie Ingham |
"Up The Long Ladder"
Offenhouse, Ralph |
Peter Mark Richman |
"The Neutral Zone"
Ogawa, Nurse Alyssa |
Patti Yasutake |
"Identity Crisis"
"The Host"
"The Game"
"Cause And Effect"
"Imaginary Friend"
"The Inner Light"
"Realm Of Fear"
"Man Of The People"
"Lower Decks"
Oji |
Pamela Segall |
"Who Watches The Watchers"
Okona, Captain Thaduin |
William O. Campbell |
"The Outrageous Okona"
Omag |
William Bastiani |
"Unification, Part II"
One One |
Keli Ann McNally |
One Zero |
Alexandra Johnson |
Orra, Jil |
Heather Lauren Olson |
"Chain Of Command, Part II"
Orta |
Jeffrey Hayenga |
"Ensign Ro"
Orton |
Glenn Morshower |
"Starship Mine"
Par Lenor |
Max Grodenchik |
"The Perfect Mate"
Pardek, Senator |
Malachi Throne |
"Unification, Part I"
"Unification, Part II"
Parem |
Brian Cousins |
"The Next Phase"
Patahk |
Steve Rankin |
"The Enemy"
Paterson |
Max Supera |
Patient, Male |
Bill Cho Lee |
"Time's Arrow, Part II"
Pavlik, Ensign |
Jana Marie Hupp |
"Galaxy's Child"
Peddler, The |
Vincent Schiavelli |
"The Arsenal of Freedom"
Peeples, Ensign |
Craig Hurley |
"Night Terrors"
Penny |
Rae Norman |
Perrin |
Joanna Miles |
"Unification, Part I"
Piano Player |
Jack Sheldon |
Picard, Captain Jean-Luc |
Patrick Stewart |
(see actor listing)
Picard, Maman |
Herta Ware |
"Where No One Has Gone Before"
Picard, Marie |
Samantha Eggar |
Picard, René |
David Tristan Birkin |
Picard, Robert |
Jeremy Kemp |
Picard, Young |
David Tristan Birkin
Marcus Nash |
Pie Man |
Richard Merson |
"Elementary, Dear Data"
Pierce, Walter |
Mark Rolston |
"Eye of the Beholder"
Pilot |
Robertson Dean |
"Face Of The Enemy"
Poet |
George Ede |
"Cost Of Living"
Policeman |
William Boyett
Fred G. Smith |
"Time's Arrow, Part II"
"The High Ground"
Pomet |
Alan Altshuld |
"Starship Mine"
Portal |
Darryl Henriques |
"The Last Outpost"
Potts, Jake |
Cory Danziger |
Potts, Willie |
Adam Ryen |
Prak |
Lee Arenberg |
"Force Of Nature"
Pran |
William Lithgow |
Premier Bhavani |
Elizabeth Hoffman |
"The Price"
Pressman, Admiral |
Terry O'Quinn |
"The Pegasus"
Prieto, Ben |
Raymond Forchion |
"The Arsenal of Freedom"
Professor Galen |
Norman Lloyd |
"The Chase"
Professor Stephen Hawking |
Professor Stephen Hawking |
Prostitute |
Diz White |
"Elementary, Dear Data"
Pulaski, Doctor |
Diana Muldaur |
(see actor listing)
"Q" |
John de Lancie |
"Encounter at Farpoint"
"Hide And Q"
"Q Who"
"Deja Q"
"True Q"
"All Good Things..."
Q2 |
Corbin Bernsen |
"Deja Q"
Qol |
Michael Snyder |
"The Perfect Mate"
Quaice, M.D., Commander Dalen |
Bill Erwin |
"Remember Me"
Quark |
Armin Shimerman |
Quinn, Admiral Gregory |
Ward Costello |
"Coming of Age"
Quint, Ned |
Shay Duffin |
"Sub Rosa"
Quinteros, Commander |
Gene Dynarski |
Technical design, graphic design,
interactive features, HTML &
CGI programming by Andrew Tong. ||
All materials Copyright © 1987-1995 by their respective authors. ||
Document created: June 17, 1995 ||
Last Modified: [an error occurred while processing this directive]