Gabrielle |
Isabel Lorca |
"We'll Always Have Paris"
Gaines, Lt. |
Tim Kelleher |
"All Good Things..."
Galen, Professor |
Norman Lloyd |
"The Chase"
Gambler/Frederick La Rouque |
Marc Alaimo |
"Time's Arrow"
Garin, Dr. |
Richard Cansino |
"Deja Q"
Garrett, Captain Rachel |
Tricia O'Neil |
"Yesterday's Enterprise"
Garvin |
Michael Rothhaar |
"Thine Own Self"
General Movar |
Nicholas Kepros |
"Redemption, Part II"
Gentleman |
Clemont von Franckenstein |
"Ship In A Bottle"
Gia |
Kimberly Cullum |
"Thine Own Self"
Gibson, Ensign |
Jennifer Barlow |
"The Dauphin"
Gillespie, Ensign |
Duke Moosekian |
"Night Terrors"
Giusti, Ensign |
Sabrina LeBeauf |
"Gambit, Part I"
"Gambit, Part II"
Gladstone, Miss |
Dawn Arnemann |
"The Child"
Gleason, Ensign |
Todd Merrill |
"The Best of Both Worlds Part II"
"Future Imperfect"
Gomez, Ensign Sonya |
Lycia Naff |
"Q Who"
"Samaritan Snare"
Gordon, Jay |
John Christian Graas |
Gorta |
Colin Mitchell |
Gosheven |
Grainger Hines |
"The Ensigns of Command"
Goss, DaiMon |
Scott Thomson |
"The Price"
Goval |
Michael Reilly Burke |
"Descent, Part II"
Governor Torak |
Wayne Grace |
Gowron |
Robert O'Reilly |
"Redemption, Part II"
"Rightful Heir"
Graham, Ensign |
Mona Grudt |
"Identity Crisis"
Granger |
Jon De Vries |
"Up The Long Ladder"
Graves, Ira |
W. Morgan Sheppard |
"The Schizoid Man"
Grax, Reittan |
Rudolph Willrich |
"Ménage à Troi"
Grebnedlog |
Christopher Collins |
"Samaritan Snare"
Gromek, Admiral |
Georgann Johnson |
"The Emissary"
Guinan |
Whoopi Goldberg |
(see actor listing)
Guinan, Young |
Isis J. Jones |
Gul Nador |
Mark Bramhall |
Gul Ocett |
Linda Thorson |
"The Chase"
Gul Evek |
Richard Poe |
"Journey's End"
"Preemptive Strike"
Gunman |
Thomas Knickerbocker |
Guy, Sir |
Clive Revill |
Haden, Admiral |
John Hancock |
"The Defector"
"The Wounded"
Haftel, Admiral |
Nicolas Coster |
"The Offspring"
Hagan, Andrus |
John Vickery |
"Night Terrors"
Hagon |
James Louis Watkins |
"Code of Honor"
Hajar, Cadet Second Class Jean |
Walker Brandt |
"The First Duty"
Hali |
James McIntire |
"Who Watches The Watchers"
Hanson, Admiral J.P. |
George Murdock |
"The Best of Both Worlds"
"The Best of Both Worlds Part II"
Haritath |
Mark L. Taylor |
"The Ensigns of Command"
Haro, Cadet Mitena |
Joycelyn O'Brien |
Haskell, [Ensign] |
Charles Douglas |
"Where Silence Has Lease"
Hawking, Professor Stephen |
Professor Stephen Hawking |
Hayne |
Don Mirault |
Hayseed |
Arlee Reed |
Hedril |
Kirsten Dunst |
"Dark Page"
Helmsman |
Stephen James Carver
Clifton Jones |
"Redemption, Part II"
Henry, Admiral Thomas |
Earl Billings |
"The Drumhead"
Henshaw, Christy |
Julie Warner |
"Booby Trap"
Herbert, Ensign |
Lance Spellerberg |
"The Icarus Factor"
Hickman, Lieutenant |
Amick Byram |
"Identity Crisis"
Hildebrant |
Ann H. Gillespie |
"Pen Pals"
Hitman |
Vinny Argiro |
Hobson, Lt. Cmdr. Christopher |
Timothy Carhart |
"Redemption, Part II"
Hollander, Eli |
John Pyper-Ferguson |
"A Fistful of Datas"
Homn, Mr. |
Carel Struycken |
(see cast listing)
Hubbell, Transporter Chief |
April Grace |
"Future Imperfect"
Hugh Borg |
Jonathan Del Arco |
"I Borg"
"Descent, Part II"
Humanoid |
Salome Jens |
"The Chase"
Hutchinson |
David Spielberg |
"Starship Mine"
Technical design, graphic design,
interactive features, HTML &
CGI programming by Andrew Tong. ||
All materials Copyright © 1987-1995 by their respective authors. ||
Document created: June 17, 1995 ||
Last Modified: November 09, 2010