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Stardate: 46578.4
Rating: ***
Edited Length: 45:01
U.S. Airdate: March 7, 1993
Nielsen Rating/Rank: [13.2/2]
Guest Stars
Siddig El Fadil: [Dr. Julian Bashir]
James Cromwell: [Shrek]
Cristine Rose: [Gi'ral]
Jennifer Gatti: [Ba'el]
Richard Herd: [L'Kor]
Co-Producer: Ronald D. Moore
Line Producer: Merri D. Howard
Producer: Peter Lauritson
Supervising Producer: David Livingston
Co-Executive Producer: Jeri Taylor
Executive Producer: Michael Piller
Written By: Brannon Braga
Directed By: Winrich Kolbe
[end credit]
Executive Producer: Rick Berman
[closing credits]
Co-Producer: Wendy Neuss
Story Editor: Brannon Braga
Story Editor: René Echevarria
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The Enterprise is orbiting near Deep Space Nine, there to assist Bajor in aqueduct repair. While Picard, Crusher, Geordi and Worf are stationside, Data goes to sickbay to investigate a power drain and finds Dr. Julian Bashir, DS9's chief medical officer, trying to figure out the inner workings of a field generator found in the Gamma quadrant. Data points out that despite his needs, Bashir cannot use the Enterprise sickbay for his purposes. As an alternative, however, Data offers an analysis in Engineering, which Bashir happily accepts, adding that he didn't expect Data (whom he finds fascinating) to be so "personable".
Meanwhile, Worf is accosted on the station by Jaglom Shrek, who claims to have information to sell about Worf's father, Mogh. Mogh, Shrek claims, was not killed at Khitomer, but instead captured and taken to a secret Romulan prison camp, the location of which Shrek will divulge for a price. Worf, however, snarls that Mogh would never let himself be captured, threatens Shrek for spreading lies, and stalks off.
Returning to the Enterprise, Worf remains in a very ill humor, snapping at an ensign for a minor mistake and accidentally breaking a table in his quarters. Troi decides to find out what's bothering him ("or would you like to break some more furniture?"), and eventually points out that despite Worf's concerns over honor (among other things, the shame of Mogh's capture would place a "burden of guilt" on both Worf and Alexander), he cannot let the issue pass without trying to verify it. She leaves him to think about his situation.
In Engineering, Data, Bashir and Geordi begin connecting up the generator for tests, while Bashir plies Data with questions about his "ordinary" properties, such as whether he breathes or grows his hair. Bashir notes that Data's creator went to great lengths to humanize Data, and Bashir finds that very interesting indeed. Shortly thereafter, the generator overloads and sends out a plasma shock that strikes Data full force. Data collapses, and has a vision of himself walking down an Enterprise corridor and finding a blacksmith - a blacksmith with the face of a young Dr. Soong.
Upon his reactivation after the shock, Data tells Geordi and Bashir of his vision. No rational explanation can be found for his memories, so Data chooses to treat it as an almost mystical experience. He first turns to Worf, asking Worf of a similar vision he might have had once and describing his own. Worf responds that Data must find the meaning of the vision, because for Klingons, "nothing is more important than receiving a revelation about your father." Worf continues, but begins aiming his points inwards, saying that no matter what your father has done, "you must find him."
Worf returns to the station and finds Shrek. He tells Shrek that he will pay for the information, but after it has been verified - and that Shrek will take him there. Further, he tells Shrek that if there is no prison camp, Shrek will die. Shrek takes him to the prison planet, but remains closemouthed about his reasons and the source of his information.
Data, meanwhile, talks to Picard about his experiences and his attempts to interpret them. After Picard advises him to start looking within himself for the vision's meaning rather than into other cultures, Data returns to his quarters and begins to paint - and paint, and paint...
Worf is dropped off and begins to travel through the dense jungle towards the camp. He eventually happens upon a young Klingon girl bathing. She attempts to flee, but he catches her and asks her to bring him to the camp. She reacts with puzzlement to his claim that he will take them "home", but does not give him away when a Romulan comes to get her...
Back on the Enterprise, Geordi sees Data's work, now numbering 23 paintings. The images in Data's paintings have expanded to include things not seen in the vision: smoke rising from water, a bird's wing, and so forth; and Data believes that the only way to solve the mystery is to recreate his collapse and let the vision continue to its end. Despite the danger, Geordi agrees, and the experiment begins. Data begins to dream...
He finds Soong again, only to find that he's forging a bird's wing. He places the wing in a bucket of water, which steams - and when it clears, a living bird sits on the table, then flies off. "This vision is different..." muses Data.
"Of course it's different!" Data looks over, to find himself and Soong now standing on the bridge, surrounded by Data's possessions. "It's never the same ... always changing ... it doesn't make sense!" Soong calls Data's vision "a beginning. Still a little grounded in the mundane, but showing promise."
"I do not understand." "You're not supposed to. No man should know where his dreams come from! It spoils the mystery - the fun." Soong walks right up to Data and takes his face in his hands. "I'm proud of you, son; I wasn't sure you'd ever develop the cognitive abilities to make it this far. But if you're here - if you can see me - you've crossed over the threshold of being a collection of circuits and subprocessors, and have started a wonderful journey."
"What type of journey?" Data now finds himself on a lab table, although still on the bridge. "Think of it ... think of it as an empty sky," replies Soong.
"I do not understand." "Shh. Just dream, Data - dream." Soong bends down low and whispers faintly, "Data - you are the bird."
Data's vision changes, and he finds himself seeing images of flying, swooping through the corridors of the Enterprise, passing Soong, and soaring out into space...
...and Data awakes in Engineering. He later discusses with Bashir his findings that the "dreams" were created by circuits Soong designed that were intended to be activated by a certain level of awareness, but that have now been activated early by the plasma shock. He intends to "dream" every night to see what occurs.
Worf, meanwhile, reaches the prison camp undetected. He enters, and finds a group of Klingons engaging in what could almost be termed a Klingon spiritual. The apparent leader of that group leaves for another room, and Worf grabs him and forces him to answer some questions.
Worf finds first that Mogh was killed in battle at Khitomer, but that L'Kor and his group were captured and brought to the camp. 73 now live there, and Worf intends to bring them all home. L'Kor, however, says that Worf does not understand and that he must speak with the others.
"I knew your father well, Worf - and I remember you. A boy, barely able to lift a batlekh. Once, your father insisted that we take you on the ritual hunt. You were so eager, you tried to take the beast with your bare hands. It mauled your arm."
Worf's glare softens. "I still have the scar - I do remember you now."
"You should not have come here, Worf." "I do not understand." "You should not have come."
Other Klingons enter and say that Worf must leave. L'Kor, however, says that it's already too late, and that he would tell others. They grab Worf, who breaks free and begins to flee - only to be caught by Romulan guards.
"We are not leaving here, Worf - and neither are you."
Freeze frame.
Technical design, graphic design, interactive features, HTML & CGI programming by Andrew Tong. || All materials Copyright © 1987-1995 by their respective authors. || Document created: January 28, 1995 || Last Modified: November 09, 2010