Star Trek: The Next Generation Cast (R-S)

[A-B] [C] [D-F] [G-H] [I-L] [M] [N-P] [R-S] [T-Z]

Cast Listing (R-S)


John S. Ragin Dr. Chrostopher "Suspicions"

Anne Elizabeth Ramsay Assistant Engineer Clancy "Elementary, Dear Data"

Anne Elizabeth Ramsey Ensign Clancy "The Emissary"

Steve Rankin Patahk "The Enemy"

Thalmus Rasulala Donald Varley "Contagion"

Gina Ravarrap Ensign Tyler "Phantasms"

Kavi Raz Lt. j.g. Singh "Lonely Among Us"

Abdul Salaam El Razzac Bass Player "11001001"

Jeff Rector Alien #2 "Allegiance"

Jerry Rector Alien #1 "Allegiance"

Arlee Reed Waiter
"Starship Mine"

Margaret Reed Serova "Force Of Nature"

Duncan Regehr Ronin "Sub Rosa"

Ryan Reid Transporter Technician "Power Play"

Don Reilly Joret "Lower Decks"

Ray Reinhardt Admiral Aaron "Conspiracy"

David Renan Conn "The Naked Now"

Clive Revill Sir Guy "Qpid"

Peter Mark Richman Ralph Offenhouse "The Neutral Zone"

Michael Rider Security Guard
Transporter Chief
"The Naked Now"

Richard Riehle Batai "The Inner Light"

Roger Rignack Miner #2 "The Perfect Mate"

Daniel Riordan Rondon "Coming of Age"

Leon Rippy L.Q. "Sonny" Clemens "The Neutral Zone"

Mario Roccuzzo Arthur Malencon "Home Soil"

Marco Rodriguez Captain Paul Rice
Glin Telle
"The Arsenal of Freedom"
"The Wounded"

Daniel Roebuck Romulan #1 (Jaron) "Unification, Part I"
"Unification, Part II"

Maurice Röeves Romulan Captain "The Chase"

Clayton Rohner Admiral Mark Jameson "Too Short A Season"

Mark Rolston Walter Pierce "Eye of the Beholder"

Ned Romero Anthwara "Journey's End"

Stephen D. Root Captain K'Vada "Unification, Part I"
"Unification, Part II"

Cristine Rose Gi'ral "Birthright, Part I"
"Birthright, Part II"

Margot Rose Eline "The Inner Light"

Michael Rothhaar Garvin "Thine Own Self"

Richard Rothenberg Cadet "The First Duty"

Douglas Rowe Debin "The Outrageous Okona"

Saul Rubinek Kivas Fajo "The Most Toys"

Vyto Ruginis Chief Engineer Logan "The Arsenal of Freedom"

Tim Russ Devor "Starship Mine"

Mitchell Ryan Kyle Riker "The Icarus Factor"

Adam Ryen Willie Potts "Brothers"

Whitney Rydbeck Alans "Pen Pals"

David Sage Tarmin "Violations"

Dugan Savoye Man "Eye of the Beholder"

Michele Scarabelli Ensign Jenna D'Sora "In Theory"

Alan Scarfe Commander Mendak
"Data's Day"
"Birthright, Part I"
"Birthright, Part II"

Rick Scarry Jarth "Man Of The People"

Robert Schenkkan Lt. Cmdr. Dexter Remmick "Coming of Age"

Vincent Schiavelli The Peddler "The Arsenal of Freedom"

Folkert Schmidt Doctor "Contagion"

Reiner Schöne Esoqq "Allegiance"

Dwight Schultz Barclay "Hollow Pursuits"
"The Nth Degree"
"Realm Of Fear"
"Ship In A Bottle"

Judson Scott Sobi "Symbiosis"

Kathryn Leigh Scott Nuria "Who Watches The Watchers"

Renata Scott Admiral "Realm Of Fear"

Howie Seago Riva "Loud As A Whisper"

Eileen Seeley Ard'rian McKenzie "The Ensigns of Command"

Pamela Segall Oji "Who Watches The Watchers"

David Selburg Lit-Historian Whalen
Doctor Syrus
"The Big Goodbye"
"Frame of Mind"

Karole Selmon Yareena "Code of Honor"

Albie Selznick Juggler "Cost Of Living"

Carolyn Seymour Taris
Commander Toreth
"First Contact"
"Face Of The Enemy"

Ann Shea Nellen "The Drumhead"

Alan Shearman Lestrade "Elementary, Dear Data"

Jack Sheldon Piano Player "11001001"

W. Morgan Sheppard Ira Graves "The Schizoid Man"

Armin Shimerman Letek
"The Last Outpost"
"Peak Performance"

Dan Shor Dr. Arridor "The Price"

John Kanton Shull Molor "Firstborn"

Jean Simmons Admiral Satie Norah "The Drumhead"

Marina Sirtis Counselor Deanna Troi ALL

Michelan Sisti Tol "Bloodlines"

Rocco Sisto Sakkath "Sarek"

Cadet Second Class Sito Shannon Fill "The First Duty"

Ben Slack K'Tal "Redemption"

James Sloyan Setal/Jarok
"The Defector"

Peter Slutsker Nibor
Dr. Reyga
"Ménage ā Troi"

Fred G. Smith Policeman "The High Ground"

Patricia Smith Dr. Sara Kingsley "Unnatural Selection"

Norman Snow Torin "Rightful Heir"

John Snyder Centurian Bochra "The Enemy"

Michael Snyder Qol
"The Perfect Mate"

Cindy Sorenson Furry Animal "The Dauphin"

Sorvino. Paul Nikolai "Homeward"

Dana Sparks Tactician "Contagion"

Lance Spellerberg Transporter Chief Herbert
Ensign Herbert
"We'll Always Have Paris"
"The Icarus Factor"

David Spielberg Hutchinson "Starship Mine"

Brent Spiner Lt. Commander Data
Dr. Noonian Soong

Joi Staton Servant "Qpid"

Mary Stein Alien Nurse "Time's Arrow, Part II"

Skip Stellrecht Engineering Crewman "The Naked Now"

Jon Steuer Alexander "Reunion"

Stewart Daniel Young Batai "The Inner Light"

Patrick Stewart Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Michael Williams
"The Defector"

David Ogden Stiers Dr. Timicin "Half a Life"

Albert Stratton Kushell "The Outrageous Okona"

Brenda Strong Rashella "When The Bough Breaks"

Carel Struycken Mr. Homn "Haven"

"Ménage ā Troi"
"Half a Life"
"Cost Of Living"

Max Supera Paterson "Disaster"

Jandi Swanson Katie "When The Bough Breaks"

Joel Swatow Yog "Firstborn"

John Synder Aaron Conor "The Masterpiece Society"

[ Mr. Video Productions ]

Andrew Tong

Technical design, graphic design, interactive features, HTML & CGI programming by Andrew Tong. || All materials Copyright © 1987-1995 by their respective authors. || Document created: May 28, 1994 || Last Modified: November 09, 2010