Cast Listing (R-S)
Actor/Actress | Character(s) | Episodes |

John S. Ragin |
Dr. Chrostopher |
Anne Elizabeth Ramsay |
Assistant Engineer Clancy |
"Elementary, Dear Data"
Anne Elizabeth Ramsey |
Ensign Clancy |
"The Emissary"
Steve Rankin |
Patahk |
"The Enemy"
Thalmus Rasulala |
Donald Varley |
Gina Ravarrap |
Ensign Tyler |
Kavi Raz |
Lt. j.g. Singh |
"Lonely Among Us"
Abdul Salaam El Razzac |
Bass Player |
Jeff Rector |
Alien #2 |
Jerry Rector |
Alien #1 |
Arlee Reed |
Hayseed |
"Starship Mine"
Margaret Reed |
Serova |
"Force Of Nature"
Duncan Regehr |
Ronin |
"Sub Rosa"
Ryan Reid |
Transporter Technician |
"Power Play"
Don Reilly |
Joret |
"Lower Decks"
Ray Reinhardt |
Admiral Aaron |
David Renan |
Conn |
"The Naked Now"
Clive Revill |
Sir Guy |
Peter Mark Richman |
Ralph Offenhouse |
"The Neutral Zone"
Michael Rider |
Security Guard
Transporter Chief |
"The Naked Now"
Richard Riehle |
Batai |
"The Inner Light"
Roger Rignack |
Miner #2 |
"The Perfect Mate"
Daniel Riordan |
Rondon |
"Coming of Age"
Leon Rippy |
L.Q. "Sonny" Clemens |
"The Neutral Zone"
Mario Roccuzzo |
Arthur Malencon |
"Home Soil"
Marco Rodriguez |
Captain Paul Rice
Glin Telle |
"The Arsenal of Freedom"
"The Wounded"
Daniel Roebuck |
Romulan #1 (Jaron) |
"Unification, Part I"
"Unification, Part II"
Maurice Röeves |
Romulan Captain |
"The Chase"
Clayton Rohner |
Admiral Mark Jameson |
"Too Short A Season"
Mark Rolston |
Walter Pierce |
"Eye of the Beholder"
Ned Romero |
Anthwara |
"Journey's End"
Stephen D. Root |
Captain K'Vada |
"Unification, Part I"
"Unification, Part II"
Cristine Rose |
Gi'ral |
"Birthright, Part I"
"Birthright, Part II"
Margot Rose |
Eline |
"The Inner Light"
Michael Rothhaar |
Garvin |
"Thine Own Self"
Richard Rothenberg |
Cadet |
"The First Duty"
Douglas Rowe |
Debin |
"The Outrageous Okona"
Saul Rubinek |
Kivas Fajo |
"The Most Toys"
Vyto Ruginis |
Chief Engineer Logan |
"The Arsenal of Freedom"
Tim Russ |
Devor |
"Starship Mine"
Mitchell Ryan |
Kyle Riker |
"The Icarus Factor"
Adam Ryen |
Willie Potts |
Whitney Rydbeck |
Alans |
"Pen Pals"
David Sage |
Tarmin |
Dugan Savoye |
Man |
"Eye of the Beholder"
Michele Scarabelli |
Ensign Jenna D'Sora |
"In Theory"
Alan Scarfe |
Commander Mendak
Tokath |
"Data's Day"
"Birthright, Part I"
"Birthright, Part II"
Rick Scarry |
Jarth |
"Man Of The People"
Robert Schenkkan |
Lt. Cmdr. Dexter Remmick |
"Coming of Age"
Vincent Schiavelli |
The Peddler |
"The Arsenal of Freedom"
Folkert Schmidt |
Doctor |
Reiner Schöne |
Esoqq |
Dwight Schultz |
Barclay |
"Hollow Pursuits"
"The Nth Degree"
"Realm Of Fear"
"Ship In A Bottle"
Judson Scott |
Sobi |
Kathryn Leigh Scott |
Nuria |
"Who Watches The Watchers"
Renata Scott |
Admiral |
"Realm Of Fear"
Howie Seago |
Riva |
"Loud As A Whisper"
Eileen Seeley |
Ard'rian McKenzie |
"The Ensigns of Command"
Pamela Segall |
Oji |
"Who Watches The Watchers"
David Selburg |
Lit-Historian Whalen
Doctor Syrus |
"The Big Goodbye"
"Frame of Mind"
Karole Selmon |
Yareena |
"Code of Honor"
Albie Selznick |
Juggler |
"Cost Of Living"
Carolyn Seymour |
Commander Toreth |
"First Contact"
"Face Of The Enemy"
Ann Shea |
Nellen |
"The Drumhead"
Alan Shearman |
Lestrade |
"Elementary, Dear Data"
Jack Sheldon |
Piano Player |
W. Morgan Sheppard |
Ira Graves |
"The Schizoid Man"
Armin Shimerman |
Quark |
"The Last Outpost"
"Peak Performance"
Dan Shor |
Dr. Arridor |
"The Price"
John Kanton Shull |
Molor |
Jean Simmons |
Admiral Satie Norah |
"The Drumhead"
Marina Sirtis |
Counselor Deanna Troi |
Michelan Sisti |
Tol |
Rocco Sisto |
Sakkath |
Cadet Second Class Sito |
Shannon Fill |
"The First Duty"
Ben Slack |
K'Tal |
James Sloyan |
K'mtar |
"The Defector"
Peter Slutsker |
Dr. Reyga
Birta |
"Ménage ā Troi"
Fred G. Smith |
Policeman |
"The High Ground"
Patricia Smith |
Dr. Sara Kingsley |
"Unnatural Selection"
Norman Snow |
Torin |
"Rightful Heir"
John Snyder |
Centurian Bochra |
"The Enemy"
Michael Snyder |
Morta |
"The Perfect Mate"
Cindy Sorenson |
Furry Animal |
"The Dauphin"
Sorvino. Paul |
Nikolai |
Dana Sparks |
Tactician |
Lance Spellerberg |
Transporter Chief Herbert
Ensign Herbert |
"We'll Always Have Paris"
"The Icarus Factor"
David Spielberg |
Hutchinson |
"Starship Mine"
Brent Spiner |
Lt. Commander Data
Dr. Noonian Soong |
Joi Staton |
Servant |
Mary Stein |
Alien Nurse |
"Time's Arrow, Part II"
Skip Stellrecht |
Engineering Crewman |
"The Naked Now"
Jon Steuer |
Alexander |
Stewart Daniel |
Young Batai |
"The Inner Light"
Patrick Stewart |
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Michael Williams |
"The Defector"
David Ogden Stiers |
Dr. Timicin |
"Half a Life"
Albert Stratton |
Kushell |
"The Outrageous Okona"
Brenda Strong |
Rashella |
"When The Bough Breaks"
Carel Struycken |
Mr. Homn |
"Ménage ā Troi"
"Half a Life"
"Cost Of Living"
Max Supera |
Paterson |
Jandi Swanson |
Katie |
"When The Bough Breaks"
Joel Swatow |
Yog |
John Synder |
Aaron Conor |
"The Masterpiece Society"
Technical design, graphic design,
interactive features, HTML &
CGI programming by Andrew Tong. ||
All materials Copyright © 1987-1995 by their respective authors. ||
Document created: May 28, 1994 ||
Last Modified: November 09, 2010