Cast Listing (I-L)
Actor/Actress | Character(s) | Episodes |

Deirdre Imershein |
Joval |
"Captain's Holiday"
Barrie Ingham |
Danilo O'Dell |
"Up The Long Ladder"
Rosalind Ingledew |
Yanar |
"The Outrageous Okona"
Robert Ito |
Tac Officer Chang |
"Coming of Age"
Tom Jackson |
Lakanta |
"Journey's End"
Jill Jacobson |
Vanessa |
"The Royale"
Scott Jaeck |
Administrator |
"The Inner Light"
Anthony James |
Sub-Commander Thei |
"The Neutral Zone"
Famke Janssen |
Kamala |
"The Perfect Mate"
Graham Jarvis |
Klim Dokachin |
"Unification, Part I"
Harvey Jason |
Felix Leech |
"The Big Goodbye"
Tony Jay |
Campio |
"Cost Of Living"
Dr. Mae Jemison |
Ensign Palmer |
"Second Chances"
Ken Jenkins |
Dr. Paul Stubbs |
Salome Jens |
Humanoid |
"The Chase"
Alexandra Johnson |
One Zero |
Georgann Johnson |
Admiral Gromek |
"The Emissary"
Penny Johnson |
Dobara |
Clifton Jones |
Ensign Craig |
"Redemption II"
Isis J. Jones |
Young Guinan |
Judith Jones |
Edo Girl |
Renee Jones |
Lt. Aquiel Uhnari |
Ashley Judd |
Ensign Robin Lefler |
"The Game"
#Juggler |
Albie Selznick |
"Cost Of Living"
Stanley Kamel |
Lt. j.g. Kosinski |
"Where No One Has Gone Before"
Lenore Kasdorf |
Lorin |
Anna Katarina |
Valeda Innis |
Bernard Kates |
Sigmund Freud |
Andreas Katsulas |
Commander Tomalak |
"The Enemy"
"The Defector"
"Future Imperfect"
"All Good Things..."
Caroline Kava |
Dr. Toby Russell |
Kerrie Keane |
Alexana Devos |
"The High Ground"
Michael Keenan |
Maturin |
"Sub Rosa"
Tim Kelleher |
Lt. gaines |
"All Good Things..."
Dore Keller |
Crewman |
"The Child"
DeForest Kelley |
Admiral McCoy |
"Encounter at Farpoint"
Jeremy Kemp |
Robert Picard |
Nicholas Kepros |
General Movar |
"Redemption II"
Dan Kern |
Lt. Dean |
"We'll Always Have Paris"
Caroline Junko King |
Young Keiko |
Danitza Kingsley |
Ariana |
Barry Kivel |
Doorman |
"Time's Arrow"
Rob Knepper |
Wyatt Miller |
Thomas Knickerbocker |
Gunman |
Wyatt Knight |
Technician #2 |
"Coming of Age"
Kenny Koch |
Kissing Crewman |
"The Naked Now"
Mary Kohnert |
Ensign Tess Allenby |
"Final Mission"
"The Loss"
Thomas Kopache |
Engineer |
"The Next Phase"
Pamela Kosh |
Mrs. Carmichael
Jessel |
"Time's Arrow, Part II"
"All Good Things..."
Andy Kossin |
Apprentice |
"Thine Own Self"
Clyde Kusatsu |
Admiral Nakamura |
"The Measure Of A Man"
"All Good Things..."
Kay E. Kuter |
Cytherian |
"The Nth Degree"
Paul Lambert |
Dr. Clarke |
"When The Bough Breaks"
"Devil's Due"
Thad Lamey |
Devil Monster |
"Devil's Due"
Mark LaMura |
John Doe |
John de Lancie |
"Q" |
"Encounter at Farpoint"
"Hide And Q"
"Q Who"
"Deja Q"
"True Q"
"All Good Things..."
David L. Lander |
Tactician |
"Peak Performance"
Rosalyn Landor |
Brenna O'Dell |
"Up The Long Ladder"
Karen Landry |
Ajur |
"Captain's Holiday"
Iva Lane |
Zero Zero |
Charley Lang |
Duffy |
"Hollow Pursuits"
Norman Large |
Proconsul Neral
Maques |
"Unification, Part I"
"Unification, Part II"
"Dark Page"
James Lashly |
Ensign Kopf |
Ed Lauter |
Lt. Commander Albert |
"The First Duty"
Richard Lavin |
2nd Mediator
Warrior #1 |
"Loud As A Whisper"
Marc Lawrence |
Volnath |
"The Vengeance Factor"
Sabrina LeBeauf |
Ensign Giusti |
"Gambit, Part I"
"Gambit, Part II"
Bill Cho Lee |
Male Patient |
"Time's Arrow, Part II"
Stephen Lee |
Bartender |
"The Vengeance Factor"
"Gambit, Part I"
Thelma Lee |
Kahlest |
"Sins of The Father"
Harriet Leider |
Amarie |
"Unification, Part II"
Ben Lemon |
Jev |
Mark Lenard |
Sarek |
"Unification, Part I"
Maria Leone |
Ten Forward Crew |
"The Offspring"
Page Leong |
Ensign April Anaya |
"The Nth Degree"
Shelby Leverington |
Transporter Chief Brossmer |
"The Next Phase"
Elizabeth Lindsey |
Louisa Kim |
"Home Soil"
Richard Lineback |
Romas |
William Lithgow |
Pran |
Norman Lloyd |
Professor Galen |
"The Chase"
Nora Loonhardt |
Woman |
"Eye of the Beholder"
Rod Loomis |
Dr. Paul Manheim |
"We'll Always Have Paris"
Isabel Lorca |
Gabrielle |
"We'll Always Have Paris"
Jay Louden |
Liator |
Tim Lounibos |
Lt. Kwan |
"Eye of the Beholder"
Chip Lucia |
Ambassador Ramid Ves Alkar |
"Man Of The People"
Benjamin W. S. Lum |
Asst. Chief Engineer Jim Shimoda |
"The Naked Now"
Jordan Lund |
Kluge |
"Redemption II"
Franc Luz |
Odan |
"The Host"
Barry Lynch |
DeSeve |
"Face Of The Enemy"
Richard Lynch |
Baran |
"Gambit, Part I"
"Gambit, Part II"
Technical design, graphic design,
interactive features, HTML &
CGI programming by Andrew Tong. ||
All materials Copyright © 1987-1995 by their respective authors. ||
Document created: May 28, 1994 ||
Last Modified: November 09, 2010