Star Trek: The Next Generation Cast (M)

[A-B] [C] [D-F] [G-H] [I-L] [M] [N-P] [R-S] [T-Z]

Cast Listing (M)


Tzi Ma Biomolecular Specialist "Samaritan Snare"

Scott MacDonald N'Vek "Face Of The Enemy"

Jr. Macer Toq "Birthright, Part II"

Micheal Mack Sirol "The Pegasus"

Dennis Madalone Ramos
Transporter Technician [Chief Hedwick]
"Heart of Glory"
"Identity Crisis"

Tom Magee Klingon Monster "Devil's Due"

Biff Manard Ruffian "Elementary, Dear Data"

Barbara March Lursa "Redemption"
"Redemption II"

Mark Margolis Dr. Nel Apgar "A Matter of Perspective"

Brian Markinson Vorin "Homeward"

Stephen Markle Kova Tholl "Allegiance"

Scott Marlowe Keeve Falor "Ensign Ro"

Michele Marsh Leda "When The Bough Breaks"

Marie Marshall Kelsey "Starship Mine"

Dr. Martin Rick Fitts "Violations"

Nan Martin Victoria Miller "Haven"

Benito Martinez Salazar "Descent, Part II"

Dan Mason Accolan "When The Bough Breaks"

Patrick Massett Duras "Sins of The Father"

Eric Matthew 1st Edo Boy "Justice"

Amanda McBroom Captain Phillipa Louvois "The Measure Of A Man"

Angelo McCabe Crewman "Schisms"

Jeff McCarthy Roga Danar "The Hunted"

Mart McChesney Armus
"Skin Of Evil"
"The Ensigns of Command"

Hohanna McCloy Calloway "Eye of the Beholder"

Carolyn McCormick Minuet "11001001"
"Future Imperfect"

Matt McCoy Devinoni Ral "The Price"

Mary McCusker Nurse "Evolution"

Christopher McDonald Lt. Richard Castillo "Yesterday's Enterprise"

Gates McFadden Doctor [Cmdr.] Beverly Crusher First Season
Third Season
Fourth Season
Fifth Season

Richard McGonagle Dr. Ja'Dar "New Ground"

James McIntire Hali "Who Watches The Watchers"

Brendan McKane Technician #1 "Coming of Age"

John McLiam Fento "Who Watches The Watchers"

Keli Ann McNally One One "11001001"

Terrence E. McNally B'Tardat "Half a Life"

J. Patrick McNamara Capt. Taggert "Unnatural Selection"

Robert Duncan McNeill Cadet First Class Nicholas Locarno "The First Duty"

Patricia McPherson Ariel "Angel One"

Colm Meaney Battle Bridge Conn
Chief O'Brien
First Security Guard
Transporter Chief
"Encounter at Farpoint"
"A Matter Of Honor"
"The Measure Of A Man"
"The Dauphin"
"The Royale"
"The Icarus Factor"
"Pen Pals"
"Q Who"
"Up The Long Ladder"
"The Emissary"
"Lonely Among Us"
"The Bonding"
"Booby Trap"
"The Enemy"
"The Price"
"The Hunted"
"A Matter of Perspective"
"Tin Man"
"Hollow Pursuits"
"The Most Toys"
"The Best of Both Worlds"
"The Best of Both Worlds Part II"
"Remember Me"
"Data's Day"
"The Wounded"
"Night Terrors"
"Half a Life"
"The Minds Eye"
"In Theory"
"Redemption II"
"The Game"
"Power Play"
"Realm Of Fear"
"All Good Things..."
"The Child"
"Where Silence Has Lease"
"Loud As A Whisper"
"Unnatural Selection"
"Shades of Gray"
"The Ensigns of Command"

Eric Menyuk Assistant (aka Traveler)
"Where No One Has Gone Before"
"Remember Me"
"Journey's End"

Todd Merrill Ensign Gleason "Future Imperfect"

Richard Merson Pie Man "Elementary, Dear Data"

Kenneth Meseroll Ensign McDowell "The Next Phase"

Christopher Michael Man #1 (Coalition lieutenant) "Legacy"

Joanna Miles Perrin "Sarek"
"Unification, Part I"<\/B><\/A>

Dick Miller Vendor "The Big Goodbye"

Don Mirault Hayne "Legacy"

Ernie Mirich Waiter "Relics"

Colin Mitchell Gorta "Firstborn"

Katherine Moffat Etana Jol "The Game"

Karen Montgomery Beata "Angel One"

Allan Dean Moore Wounded Crewmember "Frame of Mind"

Duke Moosekian Ensign Gillespie "Night Terrors"

Joan Stuart Morris T'Pan "Suspicions"

Leslie Morris Reginod "Samaritan Snare"

Glenn Morshower Ensign Burke
"Peak Performance"
"Starship Mine"

Diane Moser Ten Forward Crew "The Offspring"

Marnie Mosiman Woman "Loud As A Whisper"

Diana Muldaur Doctor [Cmdr. Katherine] Pulaski "The Child"
"Where Silence Has Lease"
"Elementary, Dear Data"
"The Schizoid Man"
"Loud As A Whisper"
"Unnatural Selection"
"A Matter Of Honor"
"The Measure Of A Man"
"The Dauphin"
"The Royale"
"Time Squared"
"The Icarus Factor"
"Pen Pals"
"Q Who"
"Samaritan Snare"
"Up The Long Ladder"
"The Emissary"
"Peak Performance"
"Shades of Gray"

Kieran Mulroney Benzan "The Outrageous Okona"

Warren Munson Admiral Holt "Interface"

Betty Muramoto Bre'el Scientist "Deja Q"

George Murdock Admiral J.P. Hanson "The Best of Both Worlds"
"The Best of Both Worlds Part II"

Jack Murdock Beggar "Time's Arrow"

[ Mr. Video Productions ]

Andrew Tong

Technical design, graphic design, interactive features, HTML & CGI programming by Andrew Tong. || All materials Copyright © 1987-1995 by their respective authors. || Document created: May 28, 1994 || Last Modified: November 09, 2010