--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152 WHAT ARE LITTLE GIRLS MADE OF? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITER: Robert Bloch GUESTS: Michael Strong (Roger Corby) Sherry Jackson (Andrea) Ted Cassidy (Rock) Majel Barrett (Christine Chapel) Harry Basch (Brown) Vince Deadrick (Mathews) Bud Albright (Rayburn) AIRED: October 20, 1966 HACK-MAN rating: .660 Usenet rating: .498 QUOTES: ======= - "Mind your own business, Spock. I'm sick and tired of your half-breed interference." -- Kirk - WHAT ARE LITTLE GIRLS MADE OF? PLOT: ===== Nurse Chapel's long-lost fiance, Roger Corby, turns up in control of a mechanism capable of producing android replicas of live beings. Kirk is copied on a horizontal wheel, and Dr. Corby wants to place his android Kirk in control of the Enterprise. Kirk puts all his thoughts into Vulcan bigotry as he is being copied, in hopes that the copy will think insulting Spock is a commonplace occurrence. Rock is a smarter android left behind by "the others", but doesn't know how long he's been around. Mention is made of Kirk's brother George Samuel Kirk ("Only YOU call him Sam"). FACTS: ====== - Rock is played by the actor who portrayed Lurch on "The Addams Family" television show, not to be confused with Lwaxana Troi's servant in "Star Trek: The Next Generation", who played Lurch in the "Addams Family" movie. - Kirk falls for Andrea, an android. OPINIONS: =========