--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 148 THE ULTIMATE COMPUTER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITER: Dorothy Fontana GUESTS: William Marshall (Richard Daystrom) Barry Russo (Admiral Wesley) Sean Morgan (Harper) AIRED: March 8, 1968 HACK-MAN rating: .250 Usenet rating: .579 QUOTES: ======= - "[Unfortunately] there is nothing currently to replace the ship's surgeon." --Spock. "[If they could, they] wouldn't have to. I'd resign." --McCoy - "There are certain things men must do to [remain] men." --Kirk - "Only a fool would stand in the way of progress." --Kirk - "You have my psychological profile. Am I afraid of [losing control]?" --Kirk - "Why don't you ask James T. Kirk. He's a pretty honest guy." --McCoy - "What are you doing here Bones?" --Kirk - "Computers make [efficient and practical] servants, but I do not wish to serve under them. --Spock - "This isn't chicken soup. I make a Finibal's Folly [that's known from here to ___]" --McCoy - "Do you know the one: 'All I ask is a tall ship...'" --Kirk - "[It's] not acting logically." --Spock "Do me a favor [Spock, and] don't say it's fascinating." --McCoy "No, but it is interesting." --Spock - "I've been updating that course for hours." --Sulu - "Pursuing a wild goose." --Spock - "You are great; I am great." --Daystrom to M5 - "Murder is contrary to the laws of man and God." --M5 - "Daystrom felt that such an act was an offense against the laws of God and man, and the computer that carried his engrams also believed it." --Kirk - "Compassion? That's the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it's the one thing that keeps men ahead of them. Care to debate that, Spock?" --McCoy "No, doctor, I simply maintain that computers are more efficient than human beings, not better." --Spock - "It would be most interesting to impress your memory engrams on a computer, doctor. The resulting torrential flood of illogic would be most entertaining." --Spock THE ULTIMATE COMPUTER PLOT: ===== Star Fleet Command puts the Enterprise under total control of the m5 multitronic unit, a new computer that can do everything the entire crew can do, and much faster. (Seeing that this obvious improvement would obviate the need for any actors, Roddenberry decided to make believe that computers err more often than humans.) Kirk is called "Captain Dunsel" by Admiral Wesley (quite out of character for high officials). A dunsel is a useless piece of machinery. M5 can run the ship with a crew of 20. M5 refuses to relinquish control, and starts firing on any ship, manned or unmanned, friend or foe. M5's creator (Richard Daystrom, who has fallen from the spotlight of his bright, intelligent youth) also refuses to have m5 relinquish control. FACTS: ====== - Commodore Enright. - Commodore Bob Wesley. - Wargames. - Federation ships USS Excalibur, USS Lexington, USS Potempkin and an ore ship. - Spock holds an A7 [______] computer [rating], which is why he knows so much about ___. - One Enterprise crew dead. - Daystrom made the duotronic breakthrough when he was [25]. - Full phasers on an unshielded ship only shakes it a little? - Kirk talks M5 into killing itself. OPINIONS: ========= How stupid are all these high-ranking Federation officers?