--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 108 PATTERNS OF FORCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITER: John Meredyth Lucas GUESTS: David Brian (John Gill?) Skip Homeier (Mal*) Richard Evans Valora Norland (Blond spy) William Wintersole Patrick Horgan Ralph Maurer Gilbert Green Bart LaRue Paul Baxley Pater Canon AIRED: February 16, 1968 HACK-MAN rating: .860 Usenet rating: .648 QUOTES: ======= - "He must be dead." --McCoy (about Gill) - "You should make a very convincing Nazi." --Spock to Kirk - "The pain!" --Kirk - "[I'm starting to see why humans enjoy gambling.] No matter how [precisely one calculates the odds...] --Spock "Very good, Spock. We may make a human out of you yet." --Kirk "I [certainly] hope not." --Spock - "I don't care if you hit the broad side of a barn." --Kirk "Why should I wish to aim at such a structure?" --Spock - "What in blazes is this?" --McCoy - "Note the [___] eyes and the malformed ears. Obviously [an inferior race]" --Mal?k* - "[Note the low forehead]. The dull look of a trapped animal." --Mal?k* - "Is he dead, Captain?" --Spock "Dead." --Kirk - "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." --McCoy - "[ , ]Alexander, [___], Caesar, [___] Napoleon [___], Hitler, [___] Li Quan." --Spock PATTERNS OF FORCE PLOT: ===== A Federation historian (John Gill - Kirk's instructor at the Academy) ignores the Prime Directive (as seems to be a prerequisite for entrance into the Federation) and reshapes a planet's society along the lines of Nazi Germany. Landing party implants subcutaneous transponders under their skin to be used as transporter locators for Kirk and Spock. FACTS: ====== - Alternate Earth (changed to be patterned after Earth). - Spock's whip marks are green; Kirk's are red. - Vulcan mind probe. OPINIONS: ========= Another episode that's hard not to enjoy. The transponders were a great idea in general, but this is the only episode where they used them, and then they didn't use them for their intended purpose! Of course, the real reason is that a lot of episodes would be way too short if it were possible to beam our heroes out of trouble. making a laser out of a transponder and a light bulb is somewhat bogus, and especially being able to aim it as accurately as they did.