--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 104 OPERATION--ANNIHILATE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITER: Stephen W. Carabatsos GUESTS: Dave Armstrong Craig Hundley Joan Swift Maurishka AIRED: April 13, 1967 HACK-MAN rating: .775 Usenet rating: .576 QUOTES: ======= - "[I don't care what it takes or costs, just help him]." --Kirk OPERATION--ANNIHILATE! PLOT: ===== Parasitic creatures (flying pizza bats/fried eggs) cause insanity in victims by landing on their backs and entering the nervous system via the spine, which they wrap around. Jim's brother Sam Kirk is dead on the planet, but they manage to save Jim's nephew Peter Kirk. Spock is infected by one of the parasites. McCoy thinks light might destroy them (1000 candles per square inch), so Spock logically decided to get blinded instead of wearing protective goggles. Vulcans have a second eyelid that Spock never thought to bring up and McCoy for some reason was unaware of. The eggs came 8 months ago (they are actually brain cells of some larger being). Enterprise outside hull temperature is 1000 degrees and rising when they chase a small ship into the sun. FACTS: ====== - Mass insanity in Denoba system. - George Samuel Kirk (Sam) is a research biologist. - Sam Kirk's private frequency is "______, subspace frequency three". - Colonized 1000 years ago. - Sick bay register #2: the K3 indicator displays the level of pain. - This is the last episode with "the" final frontier in the opening. - McCoy thinks the good of the none outweigh the good of the many (doesn't want to kill millions to save billions when the millions would die either way.) - The Enterprise is at warp 8 inside a solar system (I thought you couldn't use warp inside a solar system?) - Kirk says "I don't care what it takes or costs, just help him." ("Costs"? I didn't think they still had money in that century) - Scotty made the asteroid belt run as an engineering advisor. OPINIONS: ========= Plot was enjoyable, but Spock was bogus.