--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 BREAD AND CIRCUSES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITER: Gene Roddenberry and Gene L. Coon (from a story by John Kneubel) GUESTS: William Smithers Logan Ramsey Ian Wolfe Rhodes Reason Lois Jewell Bart La Rue Jack Perkins AIRED: March 15, 1968 HACK-MAN rating: .530 Usenet rating: .554 QUOTES: ======= - "He commands not only a spaceship - but a *starship*" --??? - "What do you call those?" --??? "I call them 'ears'." --Spock - "If you're speaking of worship, we serve many beliefs." --McCoy - "I don't want to injure you." --Spock (before hitting a man with a shield) - "Medical men are *trained* in logic." --McCoy "Trained? Judging from you, I would have guessed it was trial and error." --Spock - "______ died in your first world war, ______ died in your second world war, 37,___,___ died in your third world war." --Spock (speaking about Earth) - "An excellent example of Hodgkin's Law of Parallel Planet Development." --Kirk - "I was told I am to be your slave tonight." --Drusilla - "I'm trying to thank you, you pointed-eared hobgoblin." --McCoy BREAD AND CIRCUSES PLOT: ===== The crew of the Enterprise encounter an alternate Earth where Rome never fell. Looks Roman except for 20th century technology. FACTS: ====== Slaves. OPINIONS: ========= I wasn't that impressed. But then, you can only take *so* many "alternate Earth" stories...