Picard: "Starfleet is not a military organization. Its purpose is exploration."
-- "Peak Performance", Stardate 42923.4

Riker: "You care to surrender now, Captain?"
-- "Peak Performance", Stardate 42923.4

Pulaski: "Captain, he needs an attitude adjustment."
-- "Peak Performance", Stardate 42923.4

Worf: "*Enter*!"
-- "Peak Performance", Stardate 42923.4

Worf: "Just finished."
-- "Peak Performance", Stardate 42923.4

Riker: "You're outmanned, you're outgunned, you're outequipped. What else have you got?"
Worf: "Guile."
-- "Peak Performance", Stardate 42923.4

Riker: "Join me."
-- "Peak Performance", Stardate 42923.4

Worf: "I have wagered heavily in the ship's pool that you will take him past the sixth plateau."
Riker: "And if I don't?"
Worf: "I will be...irritated."
-- "Peak Performance", Stardate 42923.4

Riker: "Just remember, sir...Captain Riker's never lost."
-- "Peak Performance", Stardate 42923.4

Data: "In the strictest sense, I did not win."
Troi: "Data..."
Data: "I busted him up."
-- "Peak Performance", Stardate 42923.4