Kareen: "Are you a Romulan?"
Worf: [Growls] "Hardly."
-- "The Schizoid Man", Stardate 42437.5

Graves: "I'll tell you a little secret, sonny. I don't really believe I will be dying. I believe I've learned how to transfer my great intellect into the machine, thus cheating the Grim Reaper of his greatest prize."
-- "The Schizoid Man", Stardate 42437.5

"Data": "Just look at that face. The face of a thinker...a warrior...a man for all seasons. Yet, Ira Graves was not perfect. Perhaps his greatest flaw was that he was too selfless. He simply cared too much about his fellow man, with nary a thought to himself. A man of limitless accomplishments and unbridled modesty. I can safely say that to know Ira Graves was to love him. And to love him was to know him. Those who knew him...loved him. While those who did not know him...loved him from afar--"
-- "The Schizoid Man", Stardate 42437.5

Picard: "What were your impressions of Doctor Graves?"
Selar: "He seemed brilliant, egocentric, arrogant, chauvinistic."
-- "The Schizoid Man", Stardate 42437.5

Data: "Why am I lying on the floor, in this undignified position, with the four of you standing over me, displaying expressions of--"
-- "The Schizoid Man", Stardate 42437.5

Data: "I hope I did not do anything unbecoming a Starfleet officer."
Riker: "Does wrestling a Klingon targ ring a bell?"
-- "The Schizoid Man", Stardate 42437.5

Data: "Did I win?"
-- "The Schizoid Man", Stardate 42437.5