Troi: "What happened to all the people?"
Worf: "War?"
Data: "Disease?"
LaForge: "A dissatisfied customer?"
-- "The Arsenal of Freedom", Stardate 41798.2

Peddler: "Peace through superior firepower."
-- "The Arsenal of Freedom", Stardate 41798.2

"Rice": "Tell me about your ship, Riker. It's the Enterprise,isn't it?"
Riker: "No, the name of my ship is the 'Lollipop'."
"Rice": "I have no knowledge of that ship."
Riker: "It's just been commissioned. It's a good ship."
-- "The Arsenal of Freedom", Stardate 41798.2

Peddler: "Impressive demonstration, isn't it?"
Picard: "Demonstration? It tried to kill us."
-- "The Arsenal of Freedom", Stardate 41798.2

LaForge: "It's great to hear your voice, Captain. We're a little busy right now. I'll get right back to you."
-- "The Arsenal of Freedom", Stardate 41798.2

Picard: "Mister LaForge, when I left this ship it was in one piece. I would appreciate your returning it to me in the same condition."
-- "The Arsenal of Freedom", Stardate 41798.2