------------------ TAPESTRY (#241) ------------------ STRUCK BY A LETHAL BLOW... [ Picard on table in Sickbay; a large phaser burn on his chest ] Bev: He's in cardiac arrest. ...WITH LITTLE HOPE FOR SURVIVAL, PICARD JOURNEYS TO THE OTHER SIDE. [ Picard in bright, all-white room; Q appears, wearing a white robe ] Q: Welcome to the afterlife, Jean-Luc... you're dead. NOW Q OFFERS HIM MAN'S ULTIMATE DESIRE, TO CHANGE HIS OWN DESTINY. [ Young Picard stabbed in the heart ] BUT WILL HE ALTER THE PAST TO STAY ALIVE? [ Picard refights the same battle ] Q: I gave you something most mortals never experience. ...OR DIE ON THE OPERATING TABLE. [ Bev works on Picard in Sickbay ] ...ON AN ALL NEW EPISODE OF STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION. Short version: When Picard's life hangs by a thread, the evil Q controls his destiny... on STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION.