
Episode #230			uplink dates: 10/10/92, 10/11/92


	U.S.S. Jenolan
	Dyson sphere


	Captain Jean-Luc Picard			Patrick Stewart
	Commander William Riker			Jonathan Frakes
	Lieutenant Commander Data		Brent Spiner
	Dr. Beverly Crusher			Gates McFadden
	Counselor Deanna Troi			Marina Sirtis
	Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge	LeVar Burton
	Lieutenant Worf				Michael Dorn

	Scotty					James Doohan
	Ensign Rager				Lanei Chapman
	Ensign Kane				Erick Weiss
	Engineer Bartel				Stacie Foster
	Waiter					Ernie Mirich
	Computer Voice				Majel Barrett

	Written by:				Ronald D. Moore
	Directed by:				Alexander Singer

_P_R_O_G_R_A_M_ _H_I_G_H_L_I_G_H_T_S

	STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION: Trapped in limbo for 75 years,
	"Star Trek's" Scotty awakens to join the "Next Generation"
	in the 24th century.

_T_V_ _G_U_I_D_E_ _A_D_S


	Trapped in limbo for 75 years, the original "Star Trek's" Scotty
	joins the crew for a daring adventure!

_T_V_ _L_O_G_ _L_I_S_T_I_N_G_S

	Scotty returns for a final adventure on STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION