The Enterprise is making a rendezvous with the science vessel U.S.S. Tsiolkovsky, which has been monitoring a collapsing star. As they arrive, however, they hear an emergency hatch being blown after what sounds like a "wild party." Riker, Geordi, Tasha, and Data beam over and find all of the crew dead.

They beam back, but Geordi has unknowingly brought back the same contaminant that infected the Tsiolkovsky (it's transmitted through water). As Riker sets Data to searching for occasions similar to what happened on the Tsiolkovsky, Geordi escapes from sickbay and starts spreading the infection.

It has some rather odd effects, acting very much like intoxication. Yar becomes...amorous, and ends up seducing Data. Geordi bursts into tears, lamenting his lack of normal sight. Beverly starts to find Picard "extremely, extremely.. but of course we haven't time for that sort of thing!" Worst of all, however, Wesley uses a Picard- Voice-Simulator he's cooked up and seizes control of Engineering, appointing himself Acting Captain.

Meanwhile, Data has found the records of the original Enterprise, and has sent the cure down to Bev. Unfortunately, the virus has mutated, and the old cure doesn't work. Bev, already infected, starts working on a new formula. Then, as if things couldn't get any worse, the star collapses, then explodes, sending a huge chunk of star straight at the Enterprise. Even when Chief Engineer MacDougal gets into main Engineering (shorting out Wes's jury-rigged repulsor beam), she finds her assistant has pulled out all the control chips.

Data is brought down to Engineering and manages to reinsert all the chips just in time, after Wes gives the ship an extra push-off by changing the Enterprise's tractor beam into a repulsor beam and pushing off the Tsiolkovsky. Bev finds a cure, the Enterprise escapes, and all is well.