(4K) Jean-Luc Picard

Rank: Captain
DOB: July 13, 2305
LOB: LaBarre, France (Earth)

Patrick Stewart

Picard's Timeline:

9. 11/14/87 110 41723.9 The Battle
A Ferengi bent on revenge threaten's Picard's life
12. 1/09/88 113 41997.7 The Big Goodbye
Picard is: Dixon Hill, Private Detective
19. 3/12/88 119 41416.2 Coming Of Age
Picard faces an investigation into his competancy as a commander.
24. 4/30/88 124 41697.9 We'll Always Have Paris
Picard is reunited with his first love.
25. 5/07/88 125 41775.5 Conspiracy
Picard investigates a conspiracy at Star Fleet's highest levels.
45. 6/17/89 145 42859.2 Manhunt
Lwaxana Troi sets her sights on Picard
52. 10/14/89 152 43173.5 Who Watches The Watchers
Picard is worshipped as a God
66. 3/24/90 166 43714.1 Allegiance
Picard is kidnapped and replaced by an imposter.
67. 3/31/90 167 43745.2 Captain's Holiday
On holiday, Picard gets involved with a search for a weapon from the future.
71. 5/12/90 171 43917.4 Sarek
Picard mind-melds with Sarek
74. 6/16/90 174 43989.1 The Best of Both Worlds I, II
Picard is: Locutus of Borg
76. 9/29/90 178 44012.3 Family
Picard deals with his brother
78. 10/13/90 176 44143.7 Suddenly Human
Picard tries to be a father to a human boy raised by aliens
81. 11/03/90 181 44246.3 Reunion
Picard is chosen to mediate a Klingon power struggle.
94. 4/20/91 194 44741.9 Qpid
Q attempts to repay Picard by transporting them into Sherwood Forest
95. 4/27/91 195 44769.2 The Drumhead
Picard is implicated as a traitor.
102. 9/28/91 202 45047.2 Darmok
Picard learns to communicate with an enigmatic race.
108. 11/09/91 207 45245.8 Unification: Part II
Picard melds with Spock.
121. 4/25/92 221 45761.3 The Perfect Mate
A metamorph falls in love with Picard.
125. 5/30/92 225 45944.1 Inner Light
Picard lives out a lifetime when they encounter a probe.
127. 9/19/92 227 46001.3 Time's Arrow, Part II
Picard meets Guinan for the "first" time.
133. 10/31/92 233 46235.7 Rascals
Picard is changed into a kid.
136. 12/12/92 236 46357.4 Chain of Command, Part I, Part II
Picard is captured and tortured by Cardassians
141. 2/13/93 241 not given Tapestry
Q gives Picard a second chance to correct "mistakes" in his past.
144. 3/27/93 244 46682.4 Starship Mine
Picard is trapped onboard the Enterprise with a band of interstellar thieves.
145. 4/03/93 245 46693.1 Lessons
Picard falls in love.
146. 4/24/93 246 46731.5 The Chase
Picard unravels a four-billion-year-old genetic puzzle.
154. 9/25/93 254 not given Liaisons
Picard is stranded on a planet with a woman who falls desperately in love with him.
156. 10/09/93 256 47135.2 Gambit, Part I, Part II
Picard is caught up in an archaeological search
160. 11/06/93 260 47304.2 Attached
Picard must confront his feelings with Beverly Crusher when they are telepathicly linked
174. 4/30/94 274 47829.1 Bloodlines
Picard learns he has a son.
177. 5/23/94 747 47988.1 All Good Things...
Picard saves humanity

[ Jean Luc || Bev || Data || Geordi || Will || Worf || Deanna ]

Paramount Pictures Andrew Tong

Technical design, graphic design, interactive features, HTML & CGI programming by Andrew Tong. || All materials Copyright © 1987-1995 by their respective authors. || Document created: May 28, 1994 || Last Modified: November 09, 2010